Search Results "mediation"

divorce narcissist spouse
Divorcing a Narcissist Spouse in Singapore
“Narcissistic Personality Disorder” means a long-term pattern of abnormal behaviour characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration and a lack of understanding of others’ feelings.
A Woman`s Adultery

Women cheating on their husbands has been on the rise in Singapore in recent years so it’s not surprising that one of the most frequently asked questions our divorce lawyers hear in our practice is “Will cheating affect my divorce case?”

Fixed Fee Uncontested Divorce

At Gloria James-Civetta & Co, our Fixed Fee Uncontested Consent Divorce settlement packages are tailored to meet your needs and budget. (Available to Singaporean citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents only)

Expedited Divorce Proceedings
Parties who have agreed on the grounds of divorce and all ancillary matters relating to matrimonial properties, maintenance and children issues.