At Gloria James-Civetta & Co, our fast-track Uncontested Divorce packages are tailored to meet your needs and budget. (Available to Singaporean citizens)
- $1200 (No Property or Children)
- $2000 (Children, Property & Maintenance)
Package 1
$1200No Property & No Children -
Package 2
$2000Children, Maintenance & Property -
The services below apply to both packages:
- Free 30 Minute Consultation
- Taking Instructions
- Collecting Documents
- Standard Query Form to HDB (For package 2)
- Drafting Divorce Papers, Statement of Claim, Statement of Particulars, Writ of Divorce, Draft Interim Judgment
- Preparing setting down papers for Uncontested Divorce
- Simplified Divorce Form
- AEIC for Divorce
- Requesting for Divorce Hearing Date
- Extracting Interim Judgement
- Extracting Final Judgement
Gloria James-Civetta & Co, has one of the largest teams of divorce lawyers in Singapore.
- Our experienced family law team is trained by the Singapore Mediation Centre for Dispute Resolution.
- Head family lawyer, Ms Gloria James has more than 22 years’ experience in handling divorce cases and family law proceedings.
- Collaborative Family Practitioner
- Appointed Child Representative Lawyer Family Justice Court
- Parenting Coordination Lawyer
- Associate Mediator of the Singapore Mediation Centre and PDRC
- Mediator Family Justice Court & SMC Family Panel
- Certificate-in-Mediating Disputes Havard Law School
- Certificate-in-Mediation Skills ADR Regent’s University London

Experienced Practitioner

FREE Initial Consultation

Large team of Lawyers

Fixed fee Fast-track Divorce Packages

Fast & Reliable Service

We’re here for you
If you have any questions about the divorce process, or whether a fixed fee package is right for you, please get in touch with us for your free 30 minute consultation.
Our goal is to help you find a resolution that works for you.