Collaborative Family Practice
- This process commences either during the marriage (if you are looking at executing a Deed of Separation or Marital Agreement) or prior to divorce proceedings.
- This is for parties looking at avoiding costly litigation and working to achieve a win-win solution in the best of interest of all parties. Interest-based negotiations prevail over positions.
- Lawyers must be accrediated in Collaborative Family Practice.
- High success rate.
Negotiations 4-Way
- This is similar to collaborative family practice and each party is represented by a lawyer. Lawyers need not be trained in CFP.
- In the event negotiation fails, you can continue to use the same lawyer whereas in CFP you cannot.
- Meeting-based process to try to work out a settlement acceptable to both but leans towards being positional with ability to walk away.
- Parties appoint a neutral third party to assist in the disputes.
- Session conducted at Mediator’s office with parties but no lawyers.
- It’s a process that requires parties to voluntarily participate and be committed to resolutions.
- During the court divorce proceedings, parties engage SMC to choose two mediators who are must be accrediated in Family Law mediation.
- Parties pay a set fee each and comes to mediation with their lawyers.
- This takes place in court and conducted by a judge sitting as a mediator.
- Usually takes 2 -3 sessions (of 2-3 hrs per session to arrive at a global settlement).
- No fees payable to the Mediators.
- Parties need to set aside time and trust the process.
Private Mediate (3 parties)
SMC Mediation (6 parties)
Court Mediation
Court Litigation
- This is the last option when the other 3 routes fail.
- The preferred options when one party believes that it is impossible to collaborate, negotiate or mediate with other party.
- Be prepared to allocate time and financial resources as it is a longer process.
- Much paperwork involved – Affidavits, Summons, Discovery, Interrogatories, Injunctions, etc.

We’re here for you
Your 30-minute free consultation with our family lawyers will include advice on:
- Laws applicable to your situation;
- Options available if you decide to take matters forward;
- Estimated costs involved in your matter.