Not researching on divorce processes
There are various ways to divorce in Singapore whether it is through Collaborative Family Practice or court litigation, whether to proceed on fault or no-fault basis and so on.
It can be costly to choose the wrong divorce option. For example, proceeding with litigation without considering mediation could lead to unnecessarily high legal fees.
In other instances, sometimes choosing a deed of separation in preparation for divorce could be wiser. As such, you should contact a good divorce lawyer to provide you with the necessary legal information to make an informed choice.
Not taking the time to understand your financial situation
Divorce inevitably brings about much confusion regarding finances as spouses aim to disentangle themselves from joint accounts and joint ownerships.
Having a good grasp on what you own and your means to survive post-divorce is important. Furthermore, ignorance on finances and property will only encourage your spouse to try to hide assets from you in a bid to unfairly gain a larger proportion of assets.
Not knowing the difference between custody, care and control, access (and the various options)
Custody refers to the right to make important decisions for your child. Care and control refers to where the child lives on a day-to-day basis.
Access refers to being allowed to spend quality time with the child. It is most common for parents to have joint custody of children with care and control to the mother and reasonable access to the father.
If you believe that your situation warrants a different arrangement you should contact an experienced divorce lawyer who has the competence to fight for your case.

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